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Consignment, Resale and Thrift Shops Archived Article brought to you by, The Premiere Site for Resale Professionals

Grow your consignment or resale shop with info from TGtbT.comDeveloping a Customer Mailing List

A guest essay from Glenda Polak of CapriceWest

Glenda Polak owns CapriceWest, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 

Her intro: I purchased an existing ladies consignment store. When I purchased Caprice it was well established and had a good reputation. The store continues to grow and thrive. Sales have increased substantially and I credit a lot of the success to all of Kate's publications that I've purchased, the Sharing Board and the NARTS conferences. I'm very passionate about the store and have the philosophy that life is short, so have fun with it!
Note: Kate has put in red italics the things she really wants you to note in Glenda's essays! (Not that every word isn't important, but Kate wants you NOT to miss some specific info.)

Caprice had a mailing list for consignors but did not have one for customers. After reading the benefits of having a customer mailing list on TGtbT I decided to start one by forming a free shopping club called �Consigning Women�. We have posters and flyers promoting the club throughout the store.

BENEFITS to the customers:
* Free to join.
* Advance notice of sales and promotions
* Invitations to our monthly shopping parties
* Discount during their birthday month, we send them a hand-written birthday card along with a �just for you discount card�.
* With every $500 spent they receive a $25 credit towards purchase
* Opportunity to host their own private shopping party
* The store keeps track of their purchases, they don�t need to carry a card around 

BENEFITS to Caprice:
* We develop a mailing/e-mail list of our customers
* We learn more about our customers and staff is able to recognize and call customers by name.
* We can track who is spending what and how frequently.
* We always know who the top 20% shoppers are and run monthly reports because it changes monthly. At Christmas Caprice called the top 20 shoppers (top 4%) and told them that Santa had dropped off a little gift at the store for them. Every single one of them came in for it and besides being thrilled to receive the gift also purchased quite a bit more.
* We can see where our customers are coming from.
* It helps to build loyalty with our customers, a lot of them think of Caprice as �their� store.
* A $25 credit towards store purchase on $500 spent is only a 5% discount yet customers are thrilled with it.

�Consigning Women� continues to grow. Many customers have reached multiple $25 credits and usually get so excited when they hear that they receive $25 off their purchase that they decide to purchase something else with their �gift� money. I had been doing monthly mail-outs to customers but with postage at .50 and the cost of printing flyers I�ve started doing more e-mails and have had equal success with that.

Certainly I am not a pioneer in this, but the results have been so amazing that I would strongly encourage any store owners who do not have a customer mailing list to start one.


Copyright 2009 Kate Holmes,
All rights reserved and enforced.
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