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Seize the Shoppertunity: Using Hallowe'en to build year-round business in your consignment, resale, or thrift shop

A Halloween display by Wandering Wardrobe, Springville UT, a SponsorHalloween...and other costume occasions...are big reputation-boosters for resalers.

If there is one time of the year when you can convert non-resale shoppers into loyal customers, Hallowe'en is it!

All sorts of people are looking for costumes and they will venture away from their usual mall-Big Box-national chain store shopping route. If you let them know you have the makings of costumes by advertising and window display and signage, and if your selection is presented well, you have a chance to impress these costume-shoppers with the remainder of your shop.

Don't miss this "shoppertunity" to showcase your "serious" selection of goods. You want the costume-hunters to see as much as possible of the rest of your shop, so make sure displays are spiffy, stylish, and well-accessorized

Costumes aren't JUST for Halloween!Your costume racks should NOT be in your front-of-the-floor swing shop area. Put it beyond your best merchandise, so browsers will get a "free tour."

And don't miss the chance, either, to pick up some fresh suppliers. Use your How to Consign or How to Sell to Us brochure as a bag-stuffer and make sure the take-one baskets around the shop are kept full as well.

Costume shopping is so important to introducing new shoppers to the resale world, that you should keep an eye out all year for costume possibilities, storing them away and making up disguises as you go. It's a fun, low-pressure way to show potential suppliers and shoppers that your store is a shoppertunity for them year 'round!

Get Have a Frightfully Good Halloween now and, well, make sure your shop has a frightfully good Halloween season of selling.

Did you know.. 
Hallowe'en is spelt with an apostrophe because it's short for Hallow(ed) Even(ing)? Thus Hallowe'en. Of course no one except Polter Geist, our knowledgeable friend from The Picker Who Perished, really CARES... 

Helpful Links:
Of course there's a 
Salem Massachusetts has made an industry of Halloween
Maggotty Pumpkin Soup and more
What would Halloween be without a good scare?
More Halloween links than you can shake a broomstick at

Copyright 2010 Kate Holmes, All rights reserved and enforced. Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape



Hallowe'en costume sign idea:
All of our clothes are GREAT... 
and some are even  FRIGHTFUL!

What better time to hand out our Out Out Darned Spot customer service brochure.


For your customers, courtesy of

Free Costume Ideas from 

(you're welcome to print this publication out and put in an idea binder in your shop. You need to keep the HTC info intact, of course, even if ...especially if...your shop has not yet chosen to be listed on the HTC Directory and Zoomable Map.)

Coloring Pages from HTC

One with pumpkins and one scarecrow. (Same applies here as above: feel free to make copies for your shop's use, leaving the HTC info intact.)

On Auntie Kate The Blog:

It doesn�t matter if your consignment or resale shop makes a single penny profit from the sale of Halloween costumes. Read why.

Some MORE Halloween ideas

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          4736 Meadowview Blvd | Sarasota FL 34233  |  941-922-5902