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Consignment, Resale and Thrift Shops Archived Article brought to you by, The Premier Site for Resale Professionals

You CAN get through it all!
Seems like they all bring it all in all at once, don't they? Don't we wish we were Supergirl! We love the change of seasons...but how to manage the overload? Some tips to help you leap tall stacks of incoming in a single bound:

It's vital, no matter how much stuff you are getting in, that your shop doesn't give into that crammed-in, claustrophobic feel. From How to Make More MoneyMake your sales floor look less crowded: One of the most common reasons for a crowded feeling in shops is too-high free-standing racks. Make sure your racks are no higher than they need to be... Taller-than-necessary racks not only create a hemmed-in look and feel, they encourage shoplifting.
If you haven�t read through How to Make More Money recently, it will be helpful. No copy in your business reference library? Order it today

Consignment, resale and thrift shops can experience a flood of incoming merchandiseMaking room for all the new incoming can be frustrating. Before you go rent a jack to push the walls out, plan your next Bag Sales, Dollar Racks & BOGO Deals, and pull outdated or stale merchandise for that event. You�ll feel better making space for the newer, more-appealing, higher-priced goods.
Plan ahead with the help of Bag Sales, Dollar Racks & BOGO Deals. Don�t have that Product for the Professional Resaler yet? Order it today

Is the new season�s merchandise coming in more slowly than you would like? Use one of the 229 Promotion Ideas Especially for Resale Shops with a supplier twist, such as #13, the after-hours event. Or maybe #43, which will appeal to the folks who think recycling/reselling is beneath them. And get the most value out of your promotion with the event worksheets in our companion Product, Promote with Pizzazz. Goodness knows, you have no time to waste!
For more ideas and full how-to details, check out your copy of 229 Promotion Ideas Especially for Resale Shops and Promote with Pizzazz, or order now

Keep an eye out, when sorting through incoming, for items that you might not SELL, but that you could use as fixtures or equipment in your shop. Some ideas from Shop Sizzle include: flat velveteen pillows as a jewelry display piece, a well-washed linen tablecloth as backdrop in a display picture frame, a hand mirror to hang from a pretty ribbon in a dressing room for a back view.
For more ideas like this, check your copy of Shop Sizzle, or order right this moment...there's not a minute to waste when it's season-changing time!

Yes, it's overload season again...and isn't it fun! Gone are those sleepy slow days, thank goodness. Now it's time to work hard, and more importantly, work SMART...with all the Products for the Professional Resaler




The Essential Guide to Using ALL your Space

The Money-Wise Guide to Accepting and Pricing


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How FLEXIBLE is your shop?

 �HELP! I can�t get people to see my rear area!�


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